
The Smart Cities & Townships

As cities grow and expand their services, management and governance across the city become increasingly complex. Through better information sharing between agencies and with the public, city leaders can line up priorities and resources more effectively, whereas higher transparency and visibility can increase public trust. The majority of the world population lives in cities, and the percentage is growing. Municipal leaders who run the complex network of diverse workers while using the aging infrastructure are in constant search for more efficient ways to analyze data, anticipate problems and coordinate resources in their cities. We at BunkerMan, provide smart city solutions that address the main building blocks of any urban management initiative. Based on our expertise in this field, we provide the following smart city functions and solutions:

  1. Smart city concept – The concept of operation depends on many factors. City goals, resources, state or federal laws, extent to which the city depends on external agencies, and many more. Our team holds years of experience in creating the best solution to meet the city goals.
  2. Smart city Command & Control - Common Command and Control environment at the central and regional control centers.
  3. Smart city Data Centers – The ability to control and manage the city depends on the ability to collect, process and evaluate huge amounts of data. It is mandatory to effectively protect this part by suitable hardening and other protective measures. With our expertise in this field we provide and maintain suitable solutions as per the need of our clients.


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