
Business Continuity Centers

Business continuity centers are meant to ensure that critical business functions of an organization shall be available for management, customers, suppliers, regulators and employees in the critical and crisis situations. Usually, this is a combination of data center and operation area for the key personnel of the organization that create specific design and planning challenges in the desired situations.

Based on the organization's needs and the expected threats, we at , are committed to provide a unique advanced solution that delivers required protection to our customers and enables them to ensure the continuous and autonomous operation of their business until recovery from such crisis situations/emergencies in their country.

We are equipped to provide the desired protection with integrated systems for any type of crisis/emergency/disaster situation such as earthquakes, tsunamis, cyclones, fire, terrorist’s threats, naxalite’s threats, and armed conflicts, Nuclear, Biological & Chemical (NBC) Protection, Dirty Bombs, EMP protection and more.


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