
Dual Home/Multiple Home Concept

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Dual Home and Multiple Home Concept are though not the new concepts but it has caught the attention of the public for its importance during the recent COVID-19 crisis. It were not only the daily wagers and migrated labourers who rushed from big cities to their native villages in COVID-19, but many rich and well to do families (both service and business class) also shifted to their alternate family homes to feel more safe and secure and to help each other in the case of any further crisis. In countries like India, many joint families which got defragmented into number of smaller individual based families over the years (due compulsion of seeking employment in various cities), were again found vacating their individual accommodations and shifting to their joint family houses during this crisis.

It is for consideration of such joint families that they must think of providing the emergency facilities in at least one of their such primary or secondary homes which can come handy to their entire joint family in case of such disasters.

We at , provide our expert services for such construction of Dual/Multiple Homes; and we even modify/upgrade the existing ones which can be safe and protected for use in any such emergencies.


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